Practical information
Here you will find an overview of practical information for asylum seekers about accommodation, financial support, and case processing times.

Practical information
The Danish Immigration Service decides where asylum seekers are accommodated. The asylum centers are run by the Danish Red Cross, by municipalities in different parts of Denmark, and by the Danish Prison and Probation Service (departure centers). Upon arrival in Denmark, asylum seekers will be accommodated at a reception center such as Center Sandholm. After a short time, you will usually be transferred to an accommodation center while the Danish authorities examine your asylum application.
In some situations, asylum seekers can also apply for private accommodation either with a spouse, friends, or family. It is the Danish Immigration Service that decides whether you can be privately accommodated. You can read more here.
If the Danish authorities decide that you cannot have your asylum case examined in Denmark due to Dublin rules or the admissibility procedure, or if your application for a residence permit as a refugee is rejected, the Danish Immigration Service may decide that you must stay at a return center. Return center Avnstrup is run by the Danish Red Cross and is intended for families. Return center Kærshovedgård is for singles and couples and is run by the Danish Prison and Probation Service.
If a rejected asylum seeker does not cooperate on the return, the immigration authorities may decide that he or she should be detained to "motivate" the person to leave Denmark. The authorities may also decide that you must be detained to ensure your presence and execute a forced return. If you are detained, you will be assigned a lawyer to represent your case. It is a judge who makes the final decision on whether to detain you.
You can read more about the conditions for asylum seekers at the Danish Immigration Service.
The Danish Immigration Service is responsible for covering public financial support of asylum seeker who is unable to support themselves.
However, this does not apply if the asylum seeker is married to a person living in Denmark and has been allowed to stay in private accommodation with the spouse. In this situation, the spouse is responsible for covering all expenses, including health care costs.
The time it takes the Danish authorities to examine an asylum application varies greatly. If your asylum application is rejected by the Danish Immigration Service and the Refugee Appeals Board examines your appeal, it can take a couple of years and sometimes even longer before the case is finalized.